Black Labrador 20th Century Painting

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Fontana slashed holes into his canvases to make the viewer rethink the idea of 'space', in a simple but futuristic move he called "art for the Space Age".

Darkness and depth

Fontana lined the backs of these pictures with a black gauze, which gives the illusion of endless depth behind.

Serial slasher

This is one of many slashed canvases Fontana made from the 1950s onwards, some cut just once, and some multiple times.

Concetto spaziale, Lucio Fontana, 1961

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El Lissitzky was born 131 years ago today

Lazar Markovich Lissitzky, known as El Lissitzky, was a Russian artist, designer, photographer, typographer, polemicist and architect. He was an important figure of the Russian avant-garde, helping develop suprematism with his mentor, Kazimir Malevich, and designing numerous exhibition displays and propaganda works for the Soviet Union. His work greatly influenced the Bauhaus and constructivist movements, and he experimented with production techniques and stylistic devices that would go on to dominate 20th-century graphic design. Lissitzky's entire career was laced with the belief that the artist could be an agent for change, later summarized with his edict, "das zielbewußte Schaffen". Lissitzky, of Lithuanian Jewish оrigin, began his career illustrating Yiddish children's books in an effort to promote Jewish culture in Russia. When only 15 he started teaching, a duty he would maintain for most of his life. Over the years, he taught in a variety of positions, schools, and artistic media, spreading and exchanging ideas.

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Patchwork design

The work is a patchwork of linoleum fragments of different designs, salvaged by the artist from old Canberra houses and cut into small rectangles, then reassembled in an animated and elegant composition.

Connecting to the land

The work also has a strong connection to landscape, evident in its horizontal format and the artist's juxtaposition of lino shards selected and placed to suggest land and sky.

Culture of Canberra

The work is both an emblem of the physical and cultural landscape of the Canberra region, as well as a hybrid of modernist art and industrial design.

Lino, Canberra and Tile Formation, Vivienne Binns, 2000

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Black Labrador 20th Century Painting


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